Wednesday, October 26, 2011

two book covers

I'm gearing up for NaNoWriMo 2011! I've got a solid cast of characters-- all with names, motivations, and backstories-- a plot, major themes, and a setting for my book. Oh, and a title too! 
"As They Tend to Infinity" 
The phrase is part of the definition of asymptotes. Remember those little bitches from high school pre-calculus? Two lines infinitely approaching each other but never touching? I always thought it was a beautiful metaphor for unrequited love, though I never did use the idea in any writing, save for a humorous poem. When I was jotting down ideas for my novel, though, it struck me that an asymptote is also an elegant analogy for Laika's (that's the name I chose for the MC, by the way) existential loneliness. She struggles the entire novel to try and understand the people in her life, but in the end realizes that it's a useless exercise. Her consciousness will always be isolated from others'; she will never be able to fully understand what it is like to experience life as another human being.
Anyway, I'm fairly proud of the headway I've made on the idea, given that I had no clue what I was doing for Nano just a couple of days ago. I rewarded myself by embarking on the self-indulgent quest to create a book cover for my project. It just makes me feel more fancy when I have a cover for my project.
I know squat about computer art, so these are bare bones. They are pretty, though, aren't they? I can't decide which one I want to use. Opinions?

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